September 21, 2021
Deploy NSX-T Edge Clusters using SDDC Manager API
A quicker way to deploy multiple clusters
What? Utilize SDDC Manager’s API to deploy NSX-T Edge Clusters
curl --location --request POST ''
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--data-raw '{
"edgeClusterName" : "wld-edge-cl1",
"edgeClusterType" : "NSX-T",
"edgeRootPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!",
"edgeAdminPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!",
"edgeAuditPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!",
"edgeFormFactor" : "SMALL",
"tier0ServicesHighAvailability" : "ACTIVE_ACTIVE",
"mtu" : 1600,
"asn" : 65051,
"edgeNodeSpecs" : [ {
"edgeNodeName" : "",
"managementIP" : "",
"managementGateway" : "",
"edgeTepGateway" : "",
"edgeTep1IP" : "",
"edgeTep2IP" : "",
"edgeTepVlan" : 3019,
"clusterId" : "faa6d3e8-982a-4b00-8c35-949ac5e601c7",
"interRackCluster" : false,
"uplinkNetwork" : [ {
"uplinkVlan" : 3017,
"uplinkInterfaceIP" : "",
"peerIP" : "",
"asnPeer" : 65044,
"bgpPeerPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!"
"uplinkVlan" : 3018,
"uplinkInterfaceIP" : "",
"peerIP" : "",
"asnPeer" : 65044,
"bgpPeerPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!"
} ]
"edgeNodeName" : "",
"managementIP" : "",
"managementGateway" : "",
"edgeTepGateway" : "",
"edgeTep1IP" : "",
"edgeTep2IP" : "",
"edgeTepVlan" : 3019,
"clusterId" : "faa6d3e8-982a-4b00-8c35-949ac5e601c7",
"interRackCluster" : false,
"uplinkNetwork" : [ {
"uplinkVlan" : 3017,
"uplinkInterfaceIP" : "",
"peerIP" : "",
"asnPeer" : 65044,
"bgpPeerPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!"
"uplinkVlan" : 3018,
"uplinkInterfaceIP" : "",
"peerIP" : "",
"asnPeer" : 65044,
"bgpPeerPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!"
} ]
} ],
"tier0RoutingType" : "EBGP",
"tier0Name" : "wld-t0",
"tier1Name" : "wld-t1",
"edgeClusterProfileType" : "DEFAULT"
Step 3: Checking the progress of the validation
In this example I will be using postman to make the API calls, there are other alternatives such as powerVCF, the Developer Center, API calls directly on SDDC Manager as root, and pretty much any other way you would use to make API calls.
Step 1: Bearer Token
The Edge Cluster creation JSON below is an example of one that I used deployed in my lab. Ensure the fields are changed to suit your environment.

Step 2: Validating Edge Cluster Creation Spec JSON
curl --location --request POST ''
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--data-raw '{
"username" : "[email protected]",
"password" : "password"
To check the progress send a GET request to https://sddcManagerFQDN/v1/edge-clusters/validations/<id>.
- “edgeFormFactor”: This is the size of the Edge nodes, the options are SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE and XLARGE
- “tier0ServicesHighAvailability”: This is the availability mode that the Tier-0 will be deployed with, the choices are ACTIVE_ACTIVE OR ACTIVE_STANDBY
- “asn”: The ASN configured on the Tier-0 gateway, asnPeer is the ToR or upstream gateways configured ASN.
- “clusterId”: This is the ID of the vSphere cluster where you want to deploy the Edge nodes. You can either use API to obtain this information or browse to the cluster in SDDC Manager and copy the UUID from the URL.

- “edgeClusterProfileType”: The choices for this one are DEFAULT or CUSTOM. If you select CUSTOM, then you have the ability to fill out the below additional options.

"edgeClusterProfileSpec": {
"bfdAllowedHop": 0,
"bfdDeclareDeadMultiple": 0,
"bfdProbeInterval": 0,
"edgeClusterProfileName": "",
"standbyRelocationThreshold": 0
The process is also documented here.
Step 4: Deploying the NSX-T Edge Cluster
This post has walked you through the process of deploying an NSX-T Edge cluster using the SDDC Manager UI. This is useful if you need to deploy several clusters and require the Edge clusters to be registered in the SDDC Manager inventory. Remember it is also possible to deploy Edge clusters directly in NSX-T within a VCF environment, but you must remember that they will not be known to SDDC Manager.

Prior to deploying any clusters in SDDC Manager you must validate the JSON spec, doing so ensures the configuration in the JSON is valid and will deploy correctly.
This part is quite simple, copy or re-use the session and URI shown in step 3, and remove the validations/<id> on the end. Now you must send a POST request to https://sddcManagerFQDN/v1/edge-clusters/ using the same JSON that was created in step 2. This will initiate the deploy task in SDDC Manager and once complete it should be fully functional.
"edgeClusterName" : "wld-edge-cl1",
"edgeClusterType" : "NSX-T",
"edgeRootPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!",
"edgeAdminPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!",
"edgeAuditPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!",
"edgeFormFactor" : "SMALL",
"tier0ServicesHighAvailability" : "ACTIVE_ACTIVE",
"mtu" : 1600,
"asn" : 65051,
"edgeNodeSpecs" : [ {
"edgeNodeName" : "",
"managementIP" : "",
"managementGateway" : "",
"edgeTepGateway" : "",
"edgeTep1IP" : "",
"edgeTep2IP" : "",
"edgeTepVlan" : 3019,
"clusterId" : "faa6d3e8-982a-4b00-8c35-949ac5e601c7",
"interRackCluster" : false,
"uplinkNetwork" : [ {
"uplinkVlan" : 3017,
"uplinkInterfaceIP" : "",
"peerIP" : "",
"asnPeer" : 65044,
"bgpPeerPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!"
"uplinkVlan" : 3018,
"uplinkInterfaceIP" : "",
"peerIP" : "",
"asnPeer" : 65044,
"bgpPeerPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!"
} ]
"edgeNodeName" : "",
"managementIP" : "",
"managementGateway" : "",
"edgeTepGateway" : "",
"edgeTep1IP" : "",
"edgeTep2IP" : "",
"edgeTepVlan" : 3019,
"clusterId" : "faa6d3e8-982a-4b00-8c35-949ac5e601c7",
"interRackCluster" : false,
"uplinkNetwork" : [ {
"uplinkVlan" : 3017,
"uplinkInterfaceIP" : "",
"peerIP" : "",
"asnPeer" : 65044,
"bgpPeerPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!"
"uplinkVlan" : 3018,
"uplinkInterfaceIP" : "",
"peerIP" : "",
"asnPeer" : 65044,
"bgpPeerPassword" : "VMware123!VMware123!"
} ]
} ],
"tier0RoutingType" : "EBGP",
"tier0Name" : "wld-t0",
"tier1Name" : "wld-t1",
"edgeClusterProfileType" : "DEFAULT"
To view all my other VCF related articles please click here.